Software Engineer (Full-time, formerly part-time)

Pionate, Sweden

2022-10 / 2023-10

About the company: Pionate is a Swedish startup specialized in minimalistic data loggers for road vehicles and cloud-based solutions for fleet data management and search.

Selected Roles:

  • Developed a C++ microservice for vehicle position and 3d orientation estimation using Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) and map matching, resulting in a twofold improvement in accuracy

  • Developed a C++ microservice for automating magnetometer calibration

  • Created a C++ simulation software to model vehicle movement and sensor measurements, for software-in-the-loop testing of pose estimation algorithm evaluation

  • Created a novel diagram-based, user-friendly language for describing and searching driving scenarios as part of a joint project with Qualcomm

  • Took part in a collaborative investigation of various cutting-edge object detection neural networks to evaluate their alignment with the project requirements of the company

  • Took part in a collaborative investigation and benchmarking of several databases for future data management support of the driving scenario search engine concept of the startup

  • Developed a web dashboard for visualizing company's fleet data using React.js

  • Made a significant contribution to enhance the company's profile by developing an initial version of the company's driving scenario search engine concept

  • Contributed to completion of the internal software documentations

M.Sc. Thesis Researcher (Full-time)

Volvo Cars (Vehicle Propulsion), Sweden

2023-01 / 2023-06

Title: Machine learning methods for fault detection of lithium-ion cells in the traction battery

Abstract: The research investigated two data-driven and statistical analysis methods for fault detection of lithium-ion cells in battery electric vehicles, both in the process of being considered for patents. One method utilized frequency analysis, while the other involved principal component analysis. The performance of both methods was tested through Simulations in Python and MATLAB.

* More information available here.

Summer Intern (Full-time)

Volvo Cars (Vehicle Propulsion), Sweden

2022-06 / 2022-08

Selected roles:

  • Completed training in battery electric propulsion systems

  • Completed training in the agile methodology utilized in the company

  • Conducted an extensive study of Volvo Cars' traction battery model in Simulink

  • Verified the behavior of the BMS upon specific fault events

  • Simulated a PID-controlled bidirectional converter for balancing multiple interconnected battery banks

Private C++ Tutor (Part-time)

Online teaching

2021-12 / 2022-03

About the role: Taught the fundamentals of C++ programming, including syntax, data types, functions, classes, algorithmic thinking, and problem-solving techniques to a private client within a three-month online course (5 hours per week)

Summer Intern (Full-time)

Ariosunshade Co. (Solar Power Plant Construction), Iran

2019-07 / 2019-09

About company: Ariosunshade provides fuel optimization and solar power technologies in Iran, leveraging the country’s abundant solar energy resources.

Selected roles:

  • Researched and studied various sun-tracking solar panel technologies

  • Conducted a collaborative feasibility study on utilizing sun-tracking solar panels in Iran

  • Prototyped a sun-tracking solar panel control circuit

Volunteer teaching assistant (Part-time)

University of Tehran, Iran


  • Fundamentals of Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc. course, Examiner: F. Chini, Duration: 2018-09 / 2021-06)

  • Fundamentals of Electronics (B.Sc. course, Examiner: H. Shashaani, Duration: 2020-02 / 2021-02)

  • Dynamics of Machinery (B.Sc. course, Examiner: A. Rastgo Ghamsari, Duration: 2020-09 / 2021-06)

  • Artificial Intelligence (B.Sc. course, Examiner: M. Moradisabzevar, Duration: 2020-09 / 2021-06)

  • Artificial Intelligence (M.Sc. course, Examiner: M. Shariat Panahi, Duration: 2021-02 / 2021-06)

Board members of the Student Association of Mechanical Engineering of University of Tehran (SAME) (Part-time)

University of Tehran, Iran

2017-10 / 2019-05

About the association: SAME focuses on organizing scientific events while also offering research opportunities and skill development for enthusiasts.

Selected roles:

  • Managed various engineering software courses such as SolidWorks, MATLAB, Catia, Abaqus, etc., for students' education

  • Orchestrated an introductory conference focused on GD&T (Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing)

  • Designed all events' posters and illustrations in Adobe Illustrator

  • Contributed to organizing and hosting faculty events, including the faculty’s opening day, orientation day, and an annual contest encouraging the creation of innovative ideas in home appliances (2018)