Complex Adaptive Systems M.Sc. (2 years)

Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden

2021-09 / 2023-06

Selected courses: Neural Networks, Stochastic Optimization, Simulation of Complex Systems, Dynamical Systems, Intelligent Agents, Information Theory, Autonomous Robots, Spatial Statistics and Image Analysis, Operating Systems, High-Performance Computing, Applied Signal Processing, Computer Vision

Computer Engineering Minor Degree (1 year)

University of Tehran, Iran

2019-09 / 2021-02

Selected courses: Advanced Programming, Data Structures, Design Algorithms, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning, Discrete Mathematics, Embedded Systems

Mechanical Engineering B.Sc. (4 years)

University of Tehran, Iran

2016-09 / 2021-02

Selected courses: Automatic Control, Mechatronics, Measurement Systems, Electronics, Optimization of Mechanical Systems, Dynamics, Design of Machinery


The Bits and Bytes of Computer Networking

Google, Coursera


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Attended courses and workshops

Task-Oriented Course in Version Control with Git

Quera College


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PN211: Introduction to Pneumatic Systems

Festo Pneumatic


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PLC211: Introduction to PLC and TIA Software

Festo Pneumatic


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Deep Learning with TensorFlow

Sharif University of Technology


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Gothenburg Technical College


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